Oh WoW indeed, for anyone who doesn't know me, I used to be a gamer. Well, one video game in particular, World of Warcraft aka WoW. I played from December 2007 till about February 2011, this past Tuesday the new expansion Mist of Pandaria was released, one word Pandas. I pretty much played only WoW this past week and had to make an extreme effort to knit. I missed knit night and didn't go to my usual Saturday hang out at the yarn shop.This weekend I did pretty good switching from playing WoW to crafting. I honestly have too many hobbies, but they all make me happy and life is just too short to be miserable and bored all the time, you will never ever hear me say I am bored. Talking about getting bored, that's the reason I have so many hobbies, I tend to get bored very quick and need a lot of variety in my life. Anyway, besides only playing on the computer, Sedona is much better and we got the hang with her medicine.
Finished Objects - FO's
Believe it or not, but I actually do have a FO. However, I can't tell you anything about it, since it's the secret knitting I been working on. I will post about it in 90 days, yes folks Christmas is that close.
Works in Progress - WIP's
First up is the Evenstar by Susan Pandorf, knit out of custom dyed Unique Sheep on their Ling base on size US 3 (3.25mm) Hiya Hiya needles. I have about 11 more rounds of the "easy" part to go and then the 2nd chart gets a little crazy. The 2nd chart was fairly easy to this point, which makes knitting on it much less frustrating. Haha I just noticed the folds make it look like a grouchy face.
Next, I been knitting on my The Total German Hitchhiker by Martina Behm out of mystery yarn I received as a present from my aunt, Heike who lives in Germany, on size US 4 (3.5 mm) needles. I have 22 points and will knit as many as I can get out of that one ball. The first picture is to show the size of it and the second is to show the colors.
I started spinning a Spun Right Round braid, it's Merino wool top in the Playtime colorway. I will spin one half from one end and the other from the opposite end for maximum barber pooling. I absolutely love the colors and it is sooooo soft, I love it. If you are a spinner go check out their store, they have amazing braids and very reasonable prices. The first picture is the braid before I took it apart and the second is what I have spun so far.
Boy do I have enabling all right. I won some, earned some, bought some, and was gifted some. Where to start? Two weeks ago I mentioned the Make-a-Wish Fundraiser that I donated to and was entered in a drawing. I received my prize a pair of my choice Signature Needles I chose circulars, size US 6 (4.0 mm), stiletto points, 5 inch needle lenght, and 32 inch cable lenght. I have been able to resist to cast on with them, but as what I can see I will love these. They swivel at the join (only needle I know that do that), the cable has no memory, very smooth join, nice finish on the needle, very light, and sharp points.
Last week I mentioned that I was able to pick my prize yarn from The Loopy Ewe for Camp Loopy that I had earned for completing all three challenges to their specifications. I received my Dream in Color in the Smooshy with cashmere base in the Watering Hole colorway. This is the softest yarn I have ever touched and I just want to keep petting it. I absolutely love everything about it.
Also, I had mentioned that I ordered more yarn. First I ordered enough for the 4th quarter challenge, to knit 400+ yards with the yarn held double, so a total of 800 yards. I thought I knew what I will knit, but changed my mind, so now I am hunting for a pattern. I ordered Cascade 220 in the Heather Tweed base. So happy I received 20% discount for ordering during the discount week for the 4th challenge, also I received $25.00 off my ordered since I ordered all my yarn from them for Camp Loopy I had earned enough bonus points for my credit.
And last but not least I ordered a skein of madelinetosh in the tosh merino light base in the Seawash colorway.
I bought that skein with a specific project in mind. I already own two
tosh merino light skeins, one in the graphite colorway and one in the
oceana colorway. I will use all three to knit the Color Affection, I get to use my new signatures for that project.Yes, I am finally jumping on the bandwagon. Here are all three colors
together, I haven't decided in which order I will start, if you have a
suggestion please post a comment, thank you.
My aunt from Germany was once again so gracious too sent me more yarn on her own account. She sent me more of the yarn that is the kind I am using for the hitchhiker and actually when I went to take pictures I noticed a small tag in one of the balls and now know a little bit about the yarn, I haven't had the chance to look into it though. Danke Tante Heike, ich habe mich sehr gefreut. Last week in enabling I showed the September club fiber from into the whirled. This week on many podcasts they mentioned that the label had a scan able QR code, but no one really knew what information it gave you. It didn't even dawn on me to scan mine, till I watched the podcasts. It took me to their website where it had information regarding the breed of sheep, what to know about spinning the fiber, what to know about knitting with that kind of yarn, and what to know about dyeing that fiber. I thought that all that information was amazing and it makes me love into the whirled even more, if that's possible.
Next week will be same old working during the day and juggling too many hobbies at night. However, something very exciting is coming up on Saturday. Me and my fiance are going to the Fall and Fiber Festival at Mountpelier, Virginia. I am very excited and can't wait, I have been told by many people it's smaller than Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, but still a very good size. My fiance will look at all the animals, while I go shopping hopefully with my friend Leslie, who will be demonstrating spinning there.
Happy Knitting,